Favicon Grabber


Favicon is an icon which is associated with a particular website.It is displayed in the address bar of the browser along with website's title

Bharat Shyam , A developer from Microsoft was invented Favicon

Favicon is also knows as website icon , shortcut icon ,url icon, tab icon or tab icon

Favicon can be inserted in webpage by putting following code in HTML or PHP :


Where favicon.png is your Favicon's name or Favicon's Name & location

If you are adding Favicon in your website , then choose the size of Favicon to 16x16. Along with 16x16 , you can use 32x32,48x48 or 64x64 size also according to your choice

By using Favicon generator you can generate Favicon for your website or app.You can also use any logo creator or image editor to create Favicon & later save it in 16x16 or 32x32 or 64x64 size.

You can grab favicon by using website ND Favicon Grabber.

To get Favicon from any website , visit favicongrabber.narendradwivedi.org and enter website address and click on grab button

To get Favicon from url , visit favicongrabber.narendradwivedi.org and enter website address and click on grab button

Favicon Downloader , Favicon extractor , Download Favicon From URL, URL To Favicon

After grabbing favicon , right click on favicon and click on Save image as .. In this way , you can download Favicon.

After grabbing favicon simply press on the grabbed Favicon for a short time , then click on 'Download Image'.In this way you can download Favicon on android or mobile device.

Yes. You can grab Favicon for free by using this website

Favicon Grabber is Developed By Narendra Dwivedi.

© Narendra Dwivedi
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